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Relevance of HR Communities

Writer: hrsuccesstalkblogshrsuccesstalkblogs

Psychology as a vast field of knowledge has a lot to offer. It could land somebody into medical, educational, social works, media, industrial and other jobs related to people involvement. One of which is landing a career in human resources.

Human Resource is essential to the business as it plays a crucial role as a work unit that includes screening, recruitment, hiring, training, development, etc. With the fast-changing development in the business world, every HR professional ought to be flexible and adaptive to these changes. Hence, continuous education is a must and that is what HR Communities are constantly doing.

There are a lot of emerging HR Communities nowadays. From small communities to bigger ones, with the same vision: TO SHARE AND GAIN KNOWLEDGE AMONG HR PROFESSIONALS. But really, how relevant is it to the current ground of business for HR Professionals?

First is Connection, these HR Communities build connections among HR Professionals in different fields of business. You would gain a lot from them. Partnership and resource connections that would be beneficial in your career. When connections foster, HR Communities as well as your career will eventually grow.

Secondly New Learning, these communities conduct seminars, webinars, workshops, forums, share articles and a lot more. You can keep yourself on track with the trends in HR Management, Laws and Strategies. This enables HR Professionals to be productive and effective in their field of expertise while incorporating this new learning at work.

And lastly, it is a platform not only to showcase your skill set but also to innovate it. Many HR professionals have a lot of skills and innate talents that are yet to be utilized. As an open community, anyone can provide their fair share of skills that can help others. This also boosts the morale and confidence of HR practitioners, opening their world to a bigger platform.

I believe these are the relevant reasons why these HR Communities do exist. Currently, being a part of one of the emerging HR Communities, the HR SUCCESS TALK is a great pleasure and opportunity for me to get involved in the world of other HR Professionals. I’m overwhelmed with the things new to me and the skills I discover with myself. Kudos to our founder Govind Singh Negi and to all the mentors that are unconditionally sharing their knowledge in this wonderful community.

For professionals seeking continued education, it’s never too late to join and upgrade yourself through joining HR Communities. Moreover, this coming October 11-13 Roshcomm hosted the 12th Annual HRM Summit, Middle East Virtual Edition in partnership with HR SUCCESS TALK. Don’t miss to learn more about the success and challenges of HR Communities as our Country Head for UAE, Charlotte Ibañez will join the panel discussion which will be moderated by Helen Lobo, Director of Roshcomm. This is a great chance and opportunity not to miss. This is for all who is seeking knowledge from the Speakers especially on the current situation of the Business world affecting HR Professionals Career path.

Author- Michelle Amarante, Team Lead – UAE Chapter

A professional with a heart for human resources, an advocate of Enhancing People skills and talents, and loves to write persuasive articles to share opinions and encourage people.


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